Easter services

As we enter Holy Week we'd like to invite you to join our Easter Services, which are as follows:-

Good Friday, 29 March 

Joint Service in Ormiston Parish Church at 7.30pm


Easter Sunday, 31 March

Early morning joint service at 8am at Ormiston, followed by breakfast

Easter worship at 10.45am in Pencaitland


Easter resources for children to download

Lego Easter Story - Church of Scotland - Go Chatter (gochattervideos.com)

Church leaders, teachers, children and their families are once again being offered the opportunity to download an accessible and fun retelling of the Easter story in English and Gaelic. Christian media ministry Go Chatter is again making its Easter video, which uses Lego figures to show the story of Christ’s death and resurrection in an all-ages accessible way, freely available for download by education authorities, Gaelic medium units, schools, homes and churches, as well as families and individuals. The video comes with an accompanying resource pack including instructions to enable children to build their own version of the empty tomb from commonly available Lego pieces, as well as bi-lingual guidance notes for teachers. New for 2024, Go Chatter has also introduced an augmented reality Easter trail. This is an interactive hunt that could be placed around the inside or outside of a church, hall or local area, with each location unlocking hidden videos which recreate the Easter story.The Easter video is part of a series of short films using Lego to bring familiar Bible stories to a young audience.


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