Groups and activities


Open Door Housegroup
Thursdays 7.30 – 9pm at various venues
Contact Rhona Bauld  (Tel. 340402)

Activity Groups

The venue for most of the activities, listed below, is the Carriage House, pictured here, which is owned by the Church. Details about hiring Carriage House facilities are available in a download at the foot of this page.

Body Fit
Tuesday 7 - 8pm in the Carriage House
£1.50 per session - All Welcome
Contact Marilyn Scholze (Tel. 01620 826160)

Morag Alexander School of Dancing – Royal Academy Dancing for boys and girls aged 3 - 8 
Monday 3.30pm and 4.15pm in the Carriage House
Contact Morag Alexander (Tel. 01875 853027) or email

Mondays  7 - 8pm in the Carriage House
Contact Lorraine Cunningham through the editor on the Contact Us link.

Adult Education Art Class
Tuesdays 10am - 12pm
Contact through the editor on the Contact Us link on this website

Lecture Society
Tuesdays 2.30 - 4.30pm
Contact through the editor on the Contact Us link on this website

The Carriage House Quilters
Tuesdays 2 - 4.00pm.
Patchwork and quilting is undertaken on personal projects as well as shared projects for charity. Small quilts and knitted goods are made for the neo-natal unit at the Simpson maternity Unit in the RIE.
Beginners are very welcome and are given all the help and support they need. There is a large social aspect to the afternoon and much is shared over tea and biscuits.
Contact Susanne Lowe 01875 340816.

Pencaitland Playgroup 
Meets in the Sports Pavilion, beside the Bowling Club, Monday to Thursday, 9.20am to 11.10am. Anyone interested can email the Secretary at . The playgroup also has a website here and is on Facebook and Twitter with links on the website. 
Hullabaloo fun music and movement classes for pre-school children

Thursday 9am - 12pm in the Carriage House
Contact Charlotte McMillan 01875 341679, 07966 434591 or View the website here

Saturdays 10am - 12noon
Contact Charlotte McMillan 01875 341679, 07966 434591 or View the website here

National Childbirth Trust
Courses run several times a year, usually on Saturday mornings or Monday evenings, for pregnant women and their birth partners.
Contact: Nicky Neighbour (tel) 01875 340115 for course information and details of dates.
Laura Browne  (tel) 0844 243 6994