Christian websites and resources

This page, which contains over 50 links to other sites, is intended as a resource for anyone who wants to dig deeper in faith. Please take a look at the headings, below, to see what interests you. Pencaitland Parish Church has a small library of books about Christianity which are freely available to borrow. They are housed in the Applecroft, upstairs in the Carriage House. Equally, if you have any Christian books which you would like to donate to grow this resource, please do get in touch via the Contact Us page. Thank you. 


Short courses, websites, events and retreats for exploring and growing in faith

Short courses

Useful websites

Talks and events (in Scotland)

Retreats (in mid and southeast Scotland)

Christian advocacy in a secular world

Homelessness and poverty

Aid and child sponsorship

Supporting persecuted Christians

Youth ministry


Healing ministry


Community outreach


Christian jobs, volunteering and mission opportunities

Christian media

Christian counselling

  • Available from New Growth Press are a series of booklets (usually around 20 pages) on a range of counselling themes such as Angry Children, Forgiveness, Healing after Abortion, Conflict, Grief, Becoming a Widow, Facing Death with Hope and many more. 

Christian bookshops

Ethical gifts

Church of Scotland