Who's who
Key individuals:
Minister, David Torrance
Session Clerk & Clerk to the Congregational Board, Eileen Henderson
- Treasurer, Margaret Cleat
Please contact David Torrance on 01875 340963, mobile 07543 872151 or email minister@pencaitlandparishchurch.org.uk
Eileen and Margaret can be contacted via the Website Editor on our Contact Us page.
Putting faces to names
The men and women who co-ordinate our work in areas such as Prayer, Pastoral Care, Safeguarding, Youth Ministry, Worship Band, Sound/Technical, Property Maintenance, Carriage House Lettings, Catering, Newsletter and Website are pictured, above. Further details about each individual's area of responsibility can be viewed in the downloads section, below. Everyone gives freely of their time, as do the Kirk Session and Congregational Board, to enable the Church to run smoothly and we are enormously thankful for that. Pictured on the top row, left to right, are David Torrance (Minister); Eileen Henderson (Session Clerk, Clerk to the Board & Website content). Pictured, on the lower row, left to right, are ; Willie Ewan (Sound/Technical); Robert Scholze (Property Convener); Kathryn Reid (Pastoral Care Coordinator) and Rhona Bauld (Prayer Co-ordinator & Carriage House lettings).
Kirk Session and Congregational Board
Those who serve on the Kirk Session as Elders are Jenni Ewan, Eileen Henderson and David Torrance (Chair). All members of the Kirk Session also serve on the Congregational Board alongside Gordon Bauld, Margaret Cleat and Robert Scholze.
Pastoral Care
Our Pastoral Care team has a concern for individuals spiritual and physical well being and a wish to walk alongside others, offering listening, comfort and support. Visits are made to members of our Church Family, to encourage spiritual growth, and to others in our local community who may have a particular need due to sickness, bereavement or isolation, for instance. Those involved in home visits have received appropriate guidance, passed safeguarding checks and understand the need for_confidentiality.