Community Newsletter

Pencaet Community News – outreach newsletter

Welcome to the community newsletter page of our website. Downloads of previous editions are available, below.

Format: Pencaet Community News is an A4, full colour, 8 page publication, produced twice a year – at Easter and Christmas.  

Circulation: It's hand delivered by volunteers to every household and business within the parish boundaries of Pencaitland (i.e. 900+ properties).  That's an area of almost 8 square miles, extending up to Gladsmuir, Ormiston, Saltoun and Tranent.

Objective: Feedback suggests the newsletter is well received in the wider community, which highlights the need to feature local people, events and issues beyond Church life. In January 2015, the Congregational Board affirmed this as a key objective of the newsletter alongside proclaiming the Gospel, demonstrating how the Church serves its community, profiling individuals from our Church family and including a mix of short news items and longer features to engage readers.

Editorial team: As of Easter 2015, there will be a series of Guest Editors and a fluid editorial team so that the work is shared amongst the Church community.

Advertising: We welcome adverts which help to off-set printing costs and there are 3 choices available, below. However, other sizes can be made available if your artwork doesn't fit our dimensions and we'll adjust the price accordingly.

£30 90mm wide by 40mm deep
£40 90mm wide by 70mm deep
£50 90mm wide by 120 mm deep

Full booking details are available in the link at the bottom of the list of downloads, below.


Please email the Editor, here.